SPSS Data Analysis and Google Search Results

SPSS is a statistical analysis program that is widely used by today’s researchers, and anyone who crosses paths with statistical analysis has heard of this software. Since it is common, all researchers conduct searches on SPSS from Google to get information about the SPSS program.

The word group “SPSS analysis” comes first among searches for information about the SPSS program and statistical analysis applications. Thanks to this search, there are many researchers who want to learn how to apply both statistical analysis and SPSS. The goal is to hit two birds with one stone!

However, as a result of this search, there is a big problem in terms of our language. Also, the perception that there is a statistical data analysis technique called SPSS analysis creates a scientific problem. Let us now examine this issue in depth.

Is There SPSS Data Analysis?

We can easily answer this question: There has never been such an analysis technique and never will be. All researchers working on statistics apply many techniques such as correlation analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance, and there is no harm in applying them. However, when SPSS analysis is mentioned, there is a perception as if there is a classical hypothesis testing technique or modeling method.

SPSS is a stand-alone data analysis program and both trial versions and paid versions of this program can be downloaded (for a substantial fee). SPSS is not an analysis technique; but the program includes basic statistical analysis methods used in scientific research. Statistical techniques in SPSS, from hypothesis testing to regression analysis; It covers many different topics from data mining to time series analysis.

The SPSS program was developed for social sciences as required by its own expansion (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), and as time passed, it became popular in science as well. It is a software used for different applications such as reliability analysis and factor analysis, especially in survey studies. In summary, the purpose of SPSS can be understood.

For the analysis of survey studies, we use various concepts such as the survey analysis from time to time. As the concept of SPSS analysis is established for the SPSS program, it is problematic in terms of scientific use to be perceived as if such a technique exists. Instead of this search, terms such as “statistical data analysis with the SPSS program” seem more appropriate for Turkish, just as some researchers do.

Of course, let’s use the concept of SPSS analysis in a pragmatist way to quickly access Google resources during our searches, but keeping in mind that there is no technique defined as SPSS analysis.

Spss data analysis entry example? Spss survey data entry?

Spss package program window has two different windows as ‘data view’ and ‘variable view’. In the Spss program, the variables (that is, the ‘variable view’ window is entered for each of the questions) must be defined.

After the data, that is, all the questions in the survey are entered in the variable part, it is ensured that the surveys are manually entered one by one. The ‘data view’ window is used when entering data in the Spss package program. Each row of the ‘data view’ window of the Spss package program represents a filled questionnaire and each column represents a question in the questionnaire. A screenshot of how spss data is entered is as follows.

Spss data analysis coding of variables? Entering Questions into SPSS

While coding the variables in SPSS, first of all, what type of question is asked is taken into consideration. In this context, for example, let’s assume that the question and answer items are as follows.

What is your gender?

( ) Woman man

In this context, in order to perform statistical analysis on the Spss screen, first of all, the data must be coded, that is, the problem must be defined in SPSS. In this context, first come to the ‘variable View’ section and write the name of the variable as ‘gender’ in the ‘Name’ section. ‘Type’, ‘Width’, ‘Decimals’ and ‘Label’ are left as the system creates. The important element here is the ‘Values’ column. Click on the three dots next to this column, write ‘1’ in the ‘Value’ part, ‘woman’ in the ‘label’ part and press the ‘add’ button. Then, the ‘add’ button is pressed by typing ‘2’ in the ‘value’ part and ‘male’ in the ‘label’ part and the variable definition process is completed by pressing the OK button.


Spss Correlation Analysis?

Correlation analysis is a statistical analysis that reveals whether there is a relationship between two or more variables, and if there is, the severity of this relationship. Although the correlation coefficient takes values ​​ranging from -1 to +1 (-1 ≤ r ≤ +1), values ​​between 0.00 and 0.25 are ‘very weak’ and values ​​between 0.26 and 0.49 are ‘weak’ in correlation coefficients. ‘, a value between 0.50 and 0.69 is ‘medium’, a value between 0.70 and 0.89 is ‘high’, and a value between 0.90 and 1.00 is ‘very high’. A positive correlation coefficient indicates a linear relationship between the variables, and a negative correlation indicates an inverse relationship.

Important considerations

The biggest mistake when performing SPSS analyzes is to use traditional approaches. In rude words, the expression “my teacher did it like this, so I should do it like that” is a traditional approach. The important thing in analyzes is not who analyzes how, but whether the criteria are met or not. Which analyzes will be carried out in the SPSS program should be planned before starting the study (survey, laboratory or field tests) and should act accordingly during the study. Trying to decide which analyzes to do after the study is a very risky situation and may cause all the measurements made to be wasted. For this reason, if SPSS or another analysis program will be used, it will be in the interest of the researcher to consult an expert before starting the study.

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