SPSS is a software of the IBM company and is the most widely used data analysis program in the world. IBM describes SPSS on its site as follows.
“IBM® SPSS® Statistics is a powerful statistical software platform. It offers a powerful set of features that allow your organization to derive actionable insights from its data.
With SPSS Statistics you can:
You can analyze and better understand your data and solve complex business and research problems through an easy-to-use interface.
You can understand large and complex data sets more quickly with advanced statistical procedures that help ensure high accuracy and quality decision making.
You can use extensions, Python and R programming language code for integration with open source software.
Select and manage your software more easily with flexible deployment options.
SPSS is available for Windows and Mac operating systems.”
SPSS Analysis is the application of statistical analysis processes to the data using the SPSS program. Within the scope of scientific research studies, SPSS analysis is performed for processes such as hypothesis testing, validity and reliability analyzes for undergraduate thesis, master’s thesis, doctoral thesis, medical specialty thesis, dentistry thesis and articles. In addition, statistical analysis applications are made with SPSS for data collected by research companies, in the data management systems of companies or collected by public institutions. In this way, in-depth information is obtained from studies such as consumer research, product research, competitor research, market research.
The point to remember here is that SPSS is an analysis program and knowing SPSS and knowing statistical science/statistical testing techniques are completely different from each other. While performing data analysis with SPSS, the program does not warn the researcher when choosing a wrong test. This situation may cause a test that does not comply with the hypothesis or does not provide the assumptions, to be reported.
Corporate companies such as Statistics Workshop provide statistical data analysis services with SPSS within the scope of thesis consultancy and scientific research consultancy. In this way, it supports researchers who carry out scientific research to reach the right results and carry out effective studies.
AMOS program is an analysis program within IBM together with SPSS. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis are performed with AMOS, which is frequently used in social science studies (business, marketing, human resources, management and organization, psychology, etc.).
DFA aims to examine the extent to which a predetermined or constructed structure is confirmed by the collected data. In exploratory factor analysis, while the factor structure of the data is determined on the basis of factor loads without a certain preliminary expectation or hypothesis, CFA is based on testing a prediction that certain variables will take place predominantly on predetermined factors on the basis of a theory (Sümer, 2000).
Structural equation modeling is an analysis technique used to test direct effect and indirect effect hypotheses. As an example, the effect of organizational justice on commitment is examined with the Structural equation model analysis made with AMOS. In addition, the mediation of the leadership skill of the manager in the effect of organizational justice on commitment is also examined by the Structural equation model analysis made with AMOS. These analyzes are made through the model established with latent variables.
What is SPSS nalysis method?
What is SPSS program?
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